Lions Vs Hyenas Endless War National Geographic

Lions Vs Hyenas Endless War National Geographic Regulations require that scientists use as few animals as possible, especially for terminal experiments.[136] However, while policy makers consider suffering to be the central issue and see animal euthanasia as a way to reduce suffering, others, such as the RSPCA, argue that the lives of laboratory animals have intrinsic value.[137] Regulations focus on whether particular methods cause pain and suffering, not whether their death is undesirable in itself.[138] The animals are euthanized at the end of studies for sample collection or post-mortem examination; during studies if their pain or suffering falls into certain categories regarded as unacceptable, such as depression, infection that is unresponsive to treatment, or the failure of large animals to eat for five days;[139] or when they are unsuitable for breeding or unwanted for some other reason.[140]
Lions Vs Hyenas Endless War National Geographic  Lions Vs Hyenas Endless War National Geographic Reviewed by Jreav Top on 2:52 AM Rating: 5

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